昨天,我和老婆去维纳斯取到了婚纱照,心情那个激动得,只能把所有的东西点齐了,并没有仔细检查。拿回来,仔细检查,才发现,有两处穿帮的地方并没有处理,还有个相框的支架给粘错了。恰好今天我又没空去,只有老婆去了。 Send article as PDF
ddt (rho U) + div (rho U U) – laplacian (mu U) = – grad (p)
昨天,我和老婆去维纳斯取到了婚纱照,心情那个激动得,只能把所有的东西点齐了,并没有仔细检查。拿回来,仔细检查,才发现,有两处穿帮的地方并没有处理,还有个相框的支架给粘错了。恰好今天我又没空去,只有老婆去了。 Send article as PDF
Last a few days, it was cool. After raining cats and dogs, it is sunny, and very hot. Like the World Cup, it makes us awake. Send article as PDF
昨天,回家了。车费也涨了,从成都到射洪原来40,现在44,返回成都,从38涨到42了,还不算保险费(1元),来回差不多花了100块。 家乡那边到处农田差不多都栽上了秧苗,大部分都种在水田里,旱田里很少有人种水稻,大部分种上了玉米。要是在以前,水田,旱田都要种水稻。现在水稻栽的密度也没有原来那么密,产量也要求达到原来那么多。而且,现在在农村的劳动力已经很少了,大部分主要劳动力都到外面打工去了,在农田里还是赚不了多少钱。在家的,都是些老头,老太太,上了年纪的,劳动力也很有限,种多了,干不动,也卖不了多少钱。粮食直补也不多,一亩地才十来块钱,连买农药的钱都不够。 昔日清澈的沈水河,现在也差不多变成了臭水沟。以前还能在里面洗洗澡,洗洗衣服,现在,没人在去河边洗衣服,更不要说有人去洗澡了。 还有一件很糟糕的事,成都的人文治安环境不太好,骗子太多了,所以,“不要跟陌生人说话”也算一条比较中肯的忠告。很多卖东西的不太守规矩,少找钱,短斤少两的情况还是很多。在车上听到了很多。有个建议:不要在车站外面的摊贩那里买东西。 下午5点到的学校,把宿舍打扫了一下,已经很久没有打扫了。:) Send article as PDF
The Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday of each May. Do you give your mother a greeting, or a bouquet of carnations? Now it’s the time! Send article as PDF
Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Even though the special day may be all about pampering mom, she may find it hard to let go of the everyday stress and anxiety. What’s a mom to do when she’s too Continue reading Mother’s Day around the Corner
The Holidays is over. I will be back to school by train at noon. I heard that it is very hot in Chengdu. It is cool in Xichang. Super girl in Changsha had finished from 50 top?to 20 top on Continue reading End of May Holidays