Introduction to Salome and Installation of Salome 3.2.6 on Fedora 8


Salome is an open source software on Linux, dealing with geometry creating, meshing for numerical simulation. It provides a platform for pre- and post-processing for numerical computation.

Its main features are:
* Supports interoperability between CAD modeling and computation software (CAD-CAE link)
* Makes easier the integration of new components on heterogeneous systems for numerical computation
* Sets the priority to multi-physics coupling between computation software
* Provides a generic user interface, user-friendly and efficient, which helps to reduce the costs and delays of carrying out the studies
* Reduces training time to the specific time for learning the software solution which has been based on this platform
* All functionalities are accessible through the programmatic integrated Python console

Its functions are:
* Create/modify, import/export (IGES, STEP), repair/clean CAD models
* Mesh CAD elements, check mesh quality, import/export mesh (MED, UNV, ASCII)
* Handle physical properties and quantities attached to geometrical items
* Perform computation using one or more external solvers (coupling)
* Display computation results (scalar, vectorial)
* Manage studies (creation, save, reload)

How to Install Salome 3.2.6 on Fedora

1. Download the zip file InstallWizard_3.2.6_RedHat8.0.tar.gz from

2. Unzip this file:
tar zxvf InstallWizard_3.2.6_RedHat8.0.tar.gz

3. Enter the folder unzipped just, and execute the intallation file:
cd InstallWizard_3.2.6_RedHat8.0
su -c "./runInstall"

4. choose the default setup option, but set the installation directory, generally, /opt/salome_3.2.6

5. After finishing installation, enter the target folder, here is /opt/salome_3.2.6, execute a command to set the environment varibles:
. # Please don't forget the dot and space in the front of the line

Execute the line to run this code:

Now you can create geometry, but perhaps not to create a mesh, the code prompt: "cannot load ...". This is because of lacking the compatible library compat-libf2c. Please use yum to install it.

6. If your system is 32bit,that will be ok. Enjoy it!
However, if your system is 64bit, it could be wrong. please edit the environment varible file, replace the lib64 with lib. Then re-execute the file to regenerate the variables. Now please enjoy this excellent code.

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