2007年中国科学院院士增选和外籍院士选举工作已经结束。29位候选人当选为中国科学院院士,5位新当选外籍院士。详情请看中国科学院2007年院士增选和外籍院士选举结果的公告及新当选院士简介。 Send article as PDF
ddt (rho U) + div (rho U U) – laplacian (mu U) = – grad (p)
2007年中国科学院院士增选和外籍院士选举工作已经结束。29位候选人当选为中国科学院院士,5位新当选外籍院士。详情请看中国科学院2007年院士增选和外籍院士选举结果的公告及新当选院士简介。 Send article as PDF
Listening to very loud music leads to hearing loss in many young people. The theme music was specially composed / written for the program. Tian Zheng is a popular singer whose music appeals to a wide audience. Xu Wei is a Continue reading Word Collocation: Music and Song
The OpenFOAM (Open Field Operation and Manipulation) CFD Toolbox can simulate anything from complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer, to solid dynamics, electromagnetics and the pricing of financial options. OpenFOAM is produced by OpenCFD Ltd, is Continue reading OpenFOAM CFD Toolbox
1. LAPACK++ (Linear Algebra PACKage in C++) is a software library for numerical linear algebra that solves systems of linear equations and eigenvalue problems on high performance computer architectures. Computational support is provided for supports various matrix classes for vectors, Continue reading Scientific Computation Packages in C/C++
According to a recent article on a local paper, one person was caught of faking certificate cards for senior people. It is very silly to issue such a certificate to the senior people by the goverments. The easiest way to Continue reading The Certificate of Senior People
GRE数学高分快速突破,陈向东著,群言出版社出版,RMB28.00。本书的主要特点是,数学考点详尽归纳,完全按照ETS的数学考试大纲,并结合GRE General Test中数学考试部分(quantitative)在中国区的难度,全面系统地梳理、归纳、讲解GRE General Test数学考点及难点。免去因某考点的生疏而寻读数学教科书之苦。 由于GRE General Test数学考试主要涉及算术、几何、代数、统计图表、智力测验等,本书对这些部分的考点梳理、归纳。并在附录中给出所有考试中遇到的或有可能遇到的数学术语,并在附录中给出部分解题要诀。国内学生的主要问题是不太熟悉这些数学的术语,通读本书,基本上可以解决这个问题。在熟悉数学术语的基础之上,本书第二篇对以上各类数学考题进行分项密集强化训练。读者可通过考题进一步熟悉、掌握相关数学术语,并且熟悉相关题目的问法、句型及解题方法和技巧。 本书挑选的所有题目全部来自于陈向东老师在新东方课堂上的讲课用题、课前课后学生常问的题目以及“统计意义’上的易错题、重点题与难题。阅读本书基本上可满足90%以上考生应对GRE General Test 数学考试的要求,不用再花费时间去做历年的GRE数学考题。 最后,书中给出三套与GRE机考难度相当的模拟试题,读者可在考前15天左右每次用45分钟的时间进行实战模拟。 实际上,在熟悉书中几乎所有的术语与技巧后,GRE General Test 考试基本上已没有什么问题。即便是考场上有点感觉时间紧迫,匆忙,丢失一两个考题也没有什么大碍,只要能保证基余的都能答对。 Send article as PDF