Common Expressions Related “House”

Someone broke into our house last night and stole the television. (break into a house)
It looks very old. Do you know when the house was built? (build a house)

My little brother is at university. He shares a house with seven other students. (share a house)

They have lived in the same house for over twenty years. (live in a house)

I locked myself out of the house and I had to climb in the bedroom window. (lock yourself out of the house)

If you cannot find a room in a hotel, you're welcome to stay at our house. (stay at someone's house)

If you are ever passing our house, why don't you drop in for a cup of tea? (pass someone's house)

My house looks so old that it needs to renovate. (renovate a house)

The house I was living in is no longer standing. It was demolished five years ago. (demolish a house)

His friends helped him move house. (move house)

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