cement (concrete)?-- clement (lenient/mild)
cereal (grain)?-- ethereal (heavenly, spiritual; immaterial, intangible)
career -- careen
candy -- dandy
canard -- canary
callow -- fallow
child -- chide (scold; reprove)
chip -- chirp (short sharp sound especially of a small bird or insect)
cider (apple juice) -- cinder (dross; ashes)
clam -- clamp
classic -- chassis
clench -- clinch
cloak -- croak
clot -- cloy
coffer -- coffin
comely -- homely
couch -- crouch
cough -- cougar
courage -- scourge (n. whip / v. flog, whip; afflict, chastise)
Nice Site!
Great website with loads of information, love the bit about What is Love. Keep it up please!!! My best wishes to you!