ssl error with NGINX

Error: in Chrome: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Firefox: SSL_ERROR_RX_UNEXPECTED_NEW_SESSION_TICKET Environment: nginx Correction: make the server configuration of the following the same in all site.conf in NGINX ssl_session_tickets off; # off OR on Reference 1.    Send article as PDF   

在 CentOS 7.x 上安装 LAMMPS

假设你具有 sudo 所赋的权限 安装 MPICH-3.2 cmake3 libfabric-devel yum -y install mpich-3.2 mpich-3.2-devel cmake3 libfabric-devel 修改动态库 vi /etc/ 将以下写入文件中 /usr/lib64/mpich-3.2/lib 添加 usr/local/lib64 库目录 vi /etc/ /usr/local/lib64 然后退出,并重新加载 sudo ldconfig export MPICH=/usr/lib64/mpich-3.2 # 设置环境变量 安装 ADIOS git clone ADIOS2 mkdir adios2-build && cd Continue reading 在 CentOS 7.x 上安装 LAMMPS

502 Bad Gateway on Discourse

502 Bad Gateway after Discourse update problem: ssl certificate error how to check: tail /var/discourse/shared/standalone/log/var-log/nginx/error.log if there’s cannot load certificate “/shared/ssl/<domain>_ecc.cer”: PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX() failed (SSL: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE) solution: rm /var/discourse/shared/standalone/ssl/*_ecc.* rm -rf /var/discourse/shared/standalone/letsencrypt/*_ecc/    Send article as Continue reading 502 Bad Gateway on Discourse

foam-extend 3.1 compilation error

foam-extend-3.1/src/transportModels/incompressible/incompressibleTwoPhaseMixture/twoPhaseMixture.H:38:28: fatal error: transportModel.H: No such file or directory #include “transportModel.H”   #include “incompressible/transportModel/transportModel.H” #include “incompressible/viscosityModels/viscosityModel/viscosityModel.H”    Send article as PDF   

auto crop images in one-line command in Linux

常用小工具集合: 将本文件夹下的 pdf 文档转换成相应的 jpg 格式,像素 600 px/in for A in *.pdf; do convert -density 600 “$A” “${A%%.}.jpg”; done (Mainly for personal future reference,) using ImageMagick: convert -trim image.jpg image.jpg To trim/autocrop the whole directory: 自动裁剪 for a in *.jpg; Continue reading auto crop images in one-line command in Linux

CFD 相关论坛

CFD-online, 关于 CFD 方面的专业论坛,以英语为使用语言。 流体中文网,关于流体方面的信息与论坛,以中文为使用语言。 CFD 中文网,关于 CFD 方面的专业论坛,以中文为使用语言。 CFDwired Forum,以服务于 CFD 中文社区为宗旨的专业论坛。    Send article as PDF