Latex to WordPress Test
:) Test for Latex formatted formula to WordPress Image `x+2=y` Send article as PDF
ddt (rho U) + div (rho U U) – laplacian (mu U) = – grad (p)
:) Test for Latex formatted formula to WordPress Image `x+2=y` Send article as PDF
Ucloo, 今天我才发现的一个超强的搜人引擎,它居然也能搜到我?!还有我的QQ号、电话、地址、教育经历……,你可知道,这些是个人隐私!!!不经过个人允许,是不能公开的!!!你得到了他们的允许了吗?你得到了我的允许了吗?再说了,我有自己在网上泄露这些资料吗?我们在那些个同学录网站上注册的资料,可能有部分是公开的,但是绝对不允许任何人或组织拿这些资料来做交易!!! 请停止你的侵权行为,UCLOO! Send article as PDF
GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages. It is Open Source Software. Continue reading Make .gif Animation with The GIMP
Install PHP Download PHP5, extract it, and copy php.ini-dist to php.ini in the PHP5 root directory. Edit php.ini. change the line doc_root = “X:\yy\web\”. X:\yy\web\ is your webpages’ root directory. delete the “#” before the extension=php_gd2.dll, extension=php_gettext.dll, extension=php_mysql.dll Install Apache Continue reading How to Configure Apache + PHP + MySQL in Windows
Content-Disposition: inline If you can see the following words, That is good. Hello, World! Send article as PDF
WordPress 1.5.2 should be installed on the system with PHP version 4.1 or higher and MySQL version 3.23.23 or higher. WordPress need function phpversion. If the server providers shield the function. you should edit the file wp-setting.php, and you should Continue reading Some Tips for Installing WordPress 1.5.2