Title: Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Side-Branch Resonant Hydraulic Pulsation Dampers (in Chinese)
Author: DU Run, KE Jian, YU Lanying
Abstract: Transient state of side-branch resonant hydraulic pulsation dampers computed with a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) code was presented to analyze relationship between dynamic characteristics of dampers and their cavity. Under laminar condition, using M-sequence pressure signal to simulate pressure wave acting as a kind of boundary and considering compressibility of fluid to simulate transient state of pulsation dampers. Frequency response is given via FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) of transient pressure sequences. Frequency responses and insert loss are compared among pulsation dampers with same cavity volume but different diameter and length. Using step pressure to simulate pressure impact, flow field is showed. And, pulsation dampers with same frequency response but different cavity volume were designed,and their performance were presented. Relationship between base frequency of dampers and diameter-length ratio was given via distributed-parameter model. The result shows: dampers’ dynamic characteristics is related to cavity’s diameter-length ratio in a certain degree, when the ratio is less than 1 and decreases, base frequency of damper is getting smaller; when it is larger than 1 and increases, base frequency of damper increase little, in this case, it has little relation with this ratio. The analysis provides optimization direction of side-branch resonant hydraulic pulsation dampers.
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