ssl error with NGINX

Error: in Chrome: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Firefox: SSL_ERROR_RX_UNEXPECTED_NEW_SESSION_TICKET Environment: nginx Correction: make the server configuration of the following the same in all site.conf in NGINX ssl_session_tickets off; # off OR on Reference 1.    Send article as PDF   

在 CentOS 7.x 上安装 LAMMPS

假设你具有 sudo 所赋的权限 安装 MPICH-3.2 cmake3 libfabric-devel yum -y install mpich-3.2 mpich-3.2-devel cmake3 libfabric-devel 修改动态库 vi /etc/ 将以下写入文件中 /usr/lib64/mpich-3.2/lib 添加 usr/local/lib64 库目录 vi /etc/ /usr/local/lib64 然后退出,并重新加载 sudo ldconfig export MPICH=/usr/lib64/mpich-3.2 # 设置环境变量 安装 ADIOS git clone ADIOS2 mkdir adios2-build && cd Continue reading 在 CentOS 7.x 上安装 LAMMPS