It’s Mother’s Day
The Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday of each May. Do you give your mother a greeting, or a bouquet of carnations? Now it’s the time! Send article as PDF
ddt (rho U) + div (rho U U) – laplacian (mu U) = – grad (p)
The Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday of each May. Do you give your mother a greeting, or a bouquet of carnations? Now it’s the time! Send article as PDF
上海交通大学通告?上海交大关于“汉芯”系列芯片涉嫌造假的调查结论与处理意见的通报 新华网报道 上海交大通报“汉芯”系列芯片涉嫌造假的处理意见 其中关于如何处理的一段文字是这样的: 撤销陈进上海交大微电子学院院长职务;撤销陈进的教授职务任职资格,解除其教授聘用合同。 接有关部门通知,科技部根据专家调查组的调查结论和国家科技计划管理的有关规定,已决定终止陈进负责的科研项目的执行,追缴相关经费,取消陈进以后承担国家科技计划课题资格;教育部决定撤销陈进“长江学者”称号,取消其享受政府特殊津贴的资格,追缴相应拨款;国家发展改革委决定终止陈进负责的高技术产业化项目的执行,追缴相关经费。 这算是国内较严重的一起造假事件,其处理也算是很重的。这样做,无疑给那些打算造假者给予了一定的震慑,那些已经造假的,正在造假的,可能已经在双脚打颤了!这一次算是出了重拳了。 那些被举报有造假嫌疑的学者,其所属单位就应该像上海交大这样,本着实事求是的原则调查,不要一味地庇护,袒护这类人是没有好处的。 Send article as PDF
Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Even though the special day may be all about pampering mom, she may find it hard to let go of the everyday stress and anxiety. What’s a mom to do when she’s too Continue reading Mother’s Day around the Corner
The Holidays is over. I will be back to school by train at noon. I heard that it is very hot in Chengdu. It is cool in Xichang. Super girl in Changsha had finished from 50 top?to 20 top on Continue reading End of May Holidays